Linux VPS deployment

The linux vps is a virtual private server in contain that you can spinup in secconds ,connect and use. This is same as you personal computer.

➡️ Docker image of this application consists of following layers :
'FROM ubuntu:20.04' Taking ubuntu:20.04 as the base image.

And updating and installing all the required packages like 'supervisor' a system that allows users to monitor and control a number of processes 'nginx' 'xz-utils' 'dbus-x11' 'dbus-x11' and important tools like 'net-tools'  for controlling the network subsystem of the Linux kernel.

Then installed the 'vim-tiny' 'firefox' 'lxde' and 'vnc' virtual network computing software is very important for this application.

And 'copying' all the required files to the image.

Exposing the port '80' to access the vps.

Deploy LinuxVPS on Scaleinfinite

➡️ Go to create apps page and Search scaleinfinite/linuxvps on the search bar.

➡️ Click on install button.

➡️ Fill all the reqired feilds.

Linux VPS



➡️ click on Advanced.

Give env variableIf you want to white list any ports list here Example 82WORKDIR for the application

➡️ Click on the Insatll button.

➡️ You will be redirected to My Apps page, Here you can find all the applications you deployed.

App Screenshot

➡️ Copy the Linuxvps application Hostname without NodePort and search the Url.

➡️ Now you can see a similar window like this.

App Screenshot

➡️ From pressing the LADE symbol button you can access to terminal and file-system etc..,

App Screenshot


About Linux VPS image we used.

This image is maintained by the scaleinfinite.

Do the image secure to use?

The image is created and verified by the scaleinfinite. it is a 100% secure image.

Are my data persistent ?

For the free user there is no persistence, and for the premium user you can different type of persistence.