SQLite is a opensource SQL database that stores data to a text file on a device. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in hypertext preprocessor language and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database with supported HTTPS.
'FROM wordpress:latest' Taking Wordpress as the base image
Used PHP scripts to 'install' the SQLite plugin and setting up the database so that the wordpress will recognize the sqlite database.
➡️ Go to create apps page and Search scaleinfinite/wpsqlite on the search bar.
➡️ Click on install button.
➡️ Fill all the reqired feilds.
Wpsqlite |
80 |
➡️ click on Advanced.
Give env variable | If you want to white list any ports list here | /var/www/html |
➡️ Click on the Install button.
➡️ You will be redirected to My Apps page, Here you can find all the applications you deployed.
➡️ Copy the wpsqlite application Hostname without NodePort and search the Url.
➡️ Now you can see the wordpress language selection page.
➡️ After selecting language you will be directly redirected to site creation page and fill all the fields like site name and username and so on.
➡️ Then Login with that detials.
➡️ Then you will be redirected to the wordpress Admin dashboard.
This image is maintained by the scaleinfinite.
Sqlite is widely used and lightweight database which makes your sight fast.
The image is created and verified by the scaleinfinite. it is a 100% secure image.
For the free user there is no persistence, and for the premium user you can different type of persistence.