Xampp deployment

XAMPP i free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

➡️ Docker image of this application consists of following layers :
'FROM debian:buster' Taking debian:buster as the base image.

And updating and installing all the required softwares like 'openssh-server' 'supervisor' 'net-tools'

Installing the Xampp software. And configuring Xampp to Enable web interface, error display in php.

And creating a /www folder and a symbolic link to it in /opt/lampp/htdocs. This is convenient because it doesn't interfere with xampp, phpmyadmin or other tools in /opt/lampp/htdocs.

And exposing 3306, 22 and 80 ports.

Deploy Xampp on Scaleinfinite

➡️ Go to create apps page and Search scaleinfinite/xampp on the search bar.

➡️ Click on install button.

➡️ Fill all the reqired feilds.




➡️ click on Advanced.

Give env variableIf you want to white list any ports list hereWORKDIR for the application

➡️ Click on the Install button.

➡️ You will be redirected to My Apps page, Here you can find all the applications you deployed.

App Screenshot

➡️ Copy the xampp application Hostname without NodePort and search the Url.

➡️ You will see the Xampp interface.

App Screenshot

➡️ Click on PHPMyAdmin button to access the PHPMyAdmin.

App Screenshot

➡️ Add the /www to the link to access the html application.

App Screenshot

➡️ Now you can able to easily access and create application and edit databases in Mysql using Xampp.


About Xampp image we used.

This image is maintained by the scaleinfinite.

Do the image secure to use ?

The image is created and verified by the scaleinfinite. it is a 100% secure image.

Are my data persistent ?

For the free user there is no persistence, and for the premium user you can different type of persistence.