Create account

➡️ Go to Scaleinfinite platform.

➡️ SignUP simply by using your Google account or email.

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➡️ Go to Create App section in the side menu.

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➡️ Here you can find pre-selected Images to deploy on the Go and Quickly or search here in the searchbar for the app you want.

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➡️ Select the respected app you require to deploy and press the Install button.

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➡️ Only for the first time you need to agreee the terms and condictions and verifuy with phone number.

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➡️ Fill the details like App name, HTTP address, TCP/UDP address.

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➡️ Define the ENVIRONMENT variables, whitelisted ports, and WORKING directory and click on finish.

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➡️ You will be redirected to this page. Here your can see all the installed applications in your account.

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➡️ To access the application copy and search the Host name without nodeport.

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➡️ And you can also link your Docker Hub account with scaleinfinite platform.

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➡️ If you has a docker file you can also add it here to built the application.